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[04/10/10] Firebird 2.5 lançado! Webinar em alguns minutos! 

O Firebird 2.5 (final) acaba de ser lançado!

Participe do webinar de lançamento, que ocorrerá daqui alguns minutos (10am - horário de Brasília), com a presença de Philippe Makowski (Firebird Foundation) e Dmitry Yemanov (chefe da equipe de desenvolvimento). Para acessar o webinar, usem o link: www.livemeeting.com/cc/fbcon2010/join?id=46D79S&role=attend

Segue anúncio feito por Dmitry Yemanov:


The Firebird team is pleased to announce Firebird 2.5, our fifth major 
release. Thanks to everyone participated in the field test and the 
related discussions in the mailing lists.

General description of the release:

Detailed release notes:
HTML: http://www.firebirdsql.org/rlsnotesh/rlsnotes25.html
PDF: http://www.firebirdsql.org/rlsnotes/Firebird-2.5.0-ReleaseNotes.pdf

Download links:

Also, the MindTheBird campaign team will run a webinar today at 13:00 
GMT in anticipation of the launch of Firebird 2.5 Final Release. See the 
details here:

Dmitry Yemanov
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