[firebase-br] bd causa erro no windows 7 (64 bits), firebird (64 bits) ???

william schneider volkweis william.v0lkwe1s em gmail.com
Sáb Fev 25 19:50:23 -03 2012

instala o fb como servico
ou copia as dll's pras pastas de sistemas

2012/2/25 Nilton Oliveira <nillgolv em bol.com.br>

> Pessoal,
> Peguei o banco de dados construido no ibexpert de uma maquina com Windows
> XP (32 bits) e firebird 2.5.1(32 bits),
> e fui abrir(registrar) este bd  no ibexpert em uma máquina com windows 7
> (64 bits), firebird 2.5.1(64 bits), onde
> aconteceu este erro abaixo:
> D:\Projeto\bd\exemplo.fdb
> Connecting... Failed!
> ------------------------------------
> Client Library is missing or invalid: C:\Program
> Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\fbclient.dll
> Notice, that you have to use 32-bit client library even if you connect to
> 64-bit version of Firebird/InterBase
> because IBExpert is a 32-bit application.
> In case you specify a 64-bit version of client library dll instead of
> 32-bit one you can get this error.
> Attempting to connect to services manager... Failed!
> ------------------------------------
> Client Library is missing or invalid: C:\Program
> Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\fbclient.dll
> Notice, that you have to use 32-bit client library even if you connect to
> 64-bit version of Firebird/InterBase
> because IBExpert is a 32-bit application.
> In case you specify a 64-bit version of client library dll instead of
> 32-bit one you can get this error.
> Disconnecting from database... Passed!
> Qual a solução para isto???
> Grato
> Nilton Oliveira
> ______________________________________________
> FireBase-BR (www.firebase.com.br) - Hospedado em www.locador.com.br
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> http://www.firebase.com.br/fb/artigo.php?id=1107
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