[firebase-br] Nao estou conseguindo enviar mensagens pelo news
Édio Ilha
edioilhafirebase em hotmail.com
Qui Jan 17 16:10:21 -03 2008
Estou recebendo uma mensagem de confirmaçao de envio de mensagem, e mesmo após confirmar o envio, as mensagens nao chegam ao grupo.
Aqui vai a mensagem recebida em meu email.
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (TMDA).
Your message attached below is being held because the address
<meuemail em hotmail.com> has not been verified.
To release your message for delivery, please send an empty message
to the following address, or use your mailer's "Reply" feature.
public-lista-JZX6CTs6PlE39yzSjRtAkw-confirm-blablablabla em hugh.gmane.org
This confirmation verifies that your message is legitimate and not
junk-mail. You should only have to confirm your address once.
If you do not respond to this confirmation request within 14 days,
your message will not be delivered.
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