Re: [firebase-br] Resultado da Manutenção
Kléber Caneva
kdcc em
Qui Out 7 14:17:00 -03 2004
Trecho retirado do Help do Delphi:
ExecSQL method (TSQLQuery)
Executes a query that does not return a set of records.
Delphi syntax:
function ExecSQL(ExecDirect: Boolean = False): Integer; override;
C++ syntax:
virtual int __fastcall ExecSQL(bool ExecDirect = false);
Call ExecSQL to execute an SQL command that does not return a set of records. This command is a query other than a SELECT query, such as an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE TABLE query.
ExecDirect indicates that the query does not need to be prepared before it is executed. This parameter can be set to true if the query does not include any parameters. When ExecDirect is false, the query will be prepared before it is executed. Even when ExecDirect is false, you can avoid preparing the query every time ExecSQL is called by setting the Prepared property to true before calling ExecSQL the first time.
ExecSQL returns the number of rows affected by the executed command. This becomes the value of the RowsAffected property.
Note: Do not use ExecSQL for commands such as SELECT queries that return data. When the command returns data, use the Open method or set the Active property to true.
Ou seja, EXECSQL retorna exatamente o que vc quer: O Número de registros afetados.
Veja o trecho em vermelho.
Kléber Caneva
----- Original Message -----
From: "Janine Prates" <janine em>
To: "FireBase" <lista em>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 2:32 PM
Subject: [firebase-br] Resultado da Manutenção
Prezados Amigos,
Há algum tempo eu postei esta questão na lista, mas não obtive uma
resposta satisfatória.
Eu utilizo o Delphi 7, componentes dbExpress e o Firebird 1.5, minha
dificuldade e saber por exemplo, quando dou um comando de Manutenção de
registro (Update e Delete - Principalmente) e saber quantos registros foram
Caso alguém possa me ajudar, fico grata.
Janine Prates.
FireBase-BR (
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